NATURACIL : your safety, our priority.
The decree of March 11, 2009 legislates the general rules of hygiene and health for the implementation of the technique of tattooing by invasive skin surgery, including permanent make-up. NATURACIL works closely with a medical laboratory. If you have any allergies or are under medical treatment, it is imperative that you inform us and obtain a medical approval.
The tattoo are realised in an adapted environment.
The implementation of tattooing techniques is carried out in ventilated rooms. These premises include: A technical room where tattoos are made, excluding any other function.
It has the following two characteristics :
- floors and worktops made of smooth, non-porous materials, resistant to repeated use of disinfectants and cleaning products;
- washable, non-textile surfaces.
A handwashing area is included or adjacent to the technical room. It includes at least one sink with automatic or mechanical shut-off tap, not manual, a liquid soap dispenser and a disposable towel dispenser.
The two following differentiated areas:
- a room dedicated to the cleaning and sterilization of the equipment: this room has the same characteristics as the technical room. It has two separate zones: cleaning-disinfection zone for equipment and conditioning-sterilization zone;
- a room dedicated to the storage of waste and dirty laundry.
The furniture used in the technical room and in the cleaning and sterilization area is non-porous and easily cleanable. The furniture on which the customer is installed is washable. The staff prohibits the animals from entering the technical room and the cleaning and sterilisation room.
The premises are maintained in such a way as to guarantee the hygiene of the practices.
The cleaning of the technical room and the room dedicated to cleaning is daily and carried out by decontamination by wet bio-cleaning:
either in one step with a detergent-disinfectant product for floors, surfaces and furniture bearing the mention of the standard NF EN 1040 and NF EN 1275 ;
or in three steps by successively applying a commercial detergent, a rinse and then a disinfectant bearing the same standards.
The furniture in the technical room is wiped wet with a lint-free, single-use support impregnated with detergent-disinfectant at least once a day.
Between each customer, all surfaces used are cleaned and disinfected. In addition, in the event of biological contamination in the technical room, this room and its furniture are cleaned without delay with a lint-free, single-use support impregnated with a detergent-disinfectant.
The staff follows the hand hygiene procedure. All jewellery is removed prior to hand disinfection. Disinfection of the operator's hands is carried out:
- either by hygienic hand washing with an antiseptic liquid soap or an antiseptic foaming solution bearing the reference to standards NF EN 1040 and NF EN 1499, used according to the standardised hand washing procedure described in Annex A of standard NF EN 1499 ;
- or by hygienic hand treatment by friction with a hydro-alcoholic product bearing the mention of standards NF EN 1040, NF EN 1275 and NF EN 1500, used according to the standardised hand friction procedure described in Appendix A of standard NF EN 1500.
After hand disinfection and for the performance of the procedure, the operator is equipped with disposable gloves. The gloves used are made of powder-free latex, or equivalent material in case of allergy to latex. They are CE marked and correspond to medical devices of class II (a) for sterile gloves and class I for non-sterile gloves. The gloves are changed between two clients, and at least every two hours during the same procedure. The gloves are removed whenever the professional touches any object that is not part of the tattoo. Before the procedure is repeated, a new pair of gloves is used after hand disinfection.
The professional prepares the area to be tattooed according to a specific protocol.
The clean and lesion-free skin or mucous membrane area to be tattooed is prepared according to the following four-phase protocol:
- 1° Detersion by antiseptic liquid soap or foaming antiseptic solution of the same family as the antiseptic used in phase 4;
- 2° Rinsing;
- 3° Drying;
- 4° Dermal antisepsis comprising two successive brushes of an antiseptic complying with standards NF EN 1040 and NF EN 1275; between the two brushes and at the end of the second, the action times of the antiseptic specified by the manufacturer are respected, at least until complete drying. The depilation of the tattooed area is done with a single-use blade system immediately before the procedure is performed.
The staff uses equipment that guarantees the safety of the client by limiting allergic and infectious risks. At each session, for each client, the needles penetrating the skin barrier are sterile and for single use. Other material elements related to the above-mentioned materials that don’t come into contact with the customer's skin or mucous membrane are cleaned with a disinfectant product that complies with NF EN 1040, NF EN 1275 and NF T72-180 standards. This cleaning is daily and after each contamination by an organic product. The inks used comply with the regulations in force and are used according to the manufacturers' recommendations. The dilution of the inks is carried out with water for injection preparation. The examination chair or bed must be covered with a single-use protection changed after each client.
The professional performs a tattoo according to specific hygiene rules. The work table is prepared before the act as follows:
It is equipped with a single-use field on which are placed the capsules, tattoo ink and rinsing water that have been prepared in advance. When filling the capsules, the pouring tray of the ink bottle must not touch the capsule or, if applicable, the ink previously poured into the capsule. If petroleum jelly is used, it is removed from its original packaging using a single-use device. Immediately after the procedure is performed, the needle supports are immersed in a pre-disinfection tank in accordance with the provisions of the annex Sterilization Protocol. The disposal of waste treated as waste from healthcare activities with infectious risks (in particular needles and gloves) complies with the regulations applicable to them.