Tattoo removal: NATURACIL, the tattoo removal without constraint
In the frame where the tattoo correction isn’t possible, NATURACIL suggest you to wipe the slate clean.
This non-invasive tattoo removal technique allows to remove a failed permanent make-up, and which can’t be put right (too thick form, too dark colour, the tattoo is too deep and/or not adapted due to an error of colorimetry and/or the pigments used aren’t conform or problem of shape or of symmetry) or the tattoo isn’t any more desired or assumed.
NATURACIL, exclusive representative of the SKINIAL© mark, offers the tattoo removal without laser. Almost painless, this removal technique allows to the tattoo ink to leave the body through the surface of the skin. The removal liquid will be completely decomposed by the natural metabolism of the body only in a few hours. No polluting residue remains in the organism. In general two sessions are enough. Nevertheless, it can vary according to the depth of implantation of the pigment, of its quality and also of its age.
Ask for an estimate!
Before & after
Naturacil offers the tattoo removal with SKINIAL©.
In most cases of removals, the mark of the tattoo isn’t more perceivable to the naked eye. One to two treatments are enough to blur significantly the tattoo and two to three treatments are enough to remove it completely.
You have to wait between the sessions 8 to 10 weeks.
The skin sometimes requires a supplementary time of healing to be able to lose its rednesses, out of direct sunshine. More considerable tattoos often requires longer time of healing. Before the intervention the zone of the tattoo removal is cleaned, plucked and disinfected. The tattoo removal is made by injecting diluted lactic acid PH3 (identical to that which our organism produces) under the skin which enables the absorption and the natural extrusion of the micropigments, regardless of their colour (contrary to the tattoo removal with laser). The lactic acid is transformed in glucose then decomposed by the natural metabolism of the body within a few hours. So the ink is totally rejected in the healing scab which forms after the injection. The scab hardens and falls off about 2 weeks later, the skin regenerates and it’s totally free of ink. The skin is healed in the 8 weeks after the last intervention. After healing, during some months, the treated zone may reatin a very slight redness. A session lasts about 45 minutes.
Our prices
SKINIAL© tattoo removal | 120 € / séance |
How does a treatment of tattoo removal without laser take place ?
A support in detail:
ABefore any intervention, the staff will discuss in detail with the customer the method, the procedure, the different questions concerning health, the possible side effects and as well as the results. The customer will fill in a questionnaire about his/her previous medical history, the eventual use of medicines, etc., and will sign a declaration of consent relating to the treatment. In order to avoid any undesirable allergy, we recommend to perform a tolerance test.vant toute intervention, le personnel abordera en détail avec le client la méthode, le déroulement, les diverses questions concernant la santé, les effets secondaires possibles et aussi les résultats. Le client remplira un questionnaire sur ses antécédents médicaux, la prise éventuelle de médicaments, etc., et signe une déclaration de consentement relative au traitement. Afin d’éviter toute allergie indésirable, nous recommandons de procéder ensuite à un test de tolérance.